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With a little help of my friends

Over the years I have met the necessary fellow beach keepers and I have more affinity with one than with the other, that's how it goes of course. I find that when it comes to friendships I am definitely not looking for quantity but quality.
I am still good friends with the very first exhibitor I ever met: Loes van der Donk of Loesje Handel. ( Loesje Handel on Facebook ). A wonderful person with the most special things.
A lady I first met as a customer and who then started the most impressive steam punk store in NL was Dani Kuijpers. With her shop Steampunk Heaven and husband Frank they are a wonderfully warm and very friendly couple with a very professional background. (Probably that's why their business is such a great success.) Wish I met them more often a year because the way things are now it really isn't enough.
And then there's Mama Anja, or Anja van Griensven from Fabion, the biggest ornamental sword seller I know. I have enormous admiration for a lady who is not the youngest anymore and who can load a huge van with swords and the like every time, then drive to Utrecht or even Switzerland and just sell such a cart completely empty. A cool, warm-hearted person from Brabant, with an energy that many can envy. There is always great fun in the restaurant with Anja and Loes. It's nice to meet many of these ladies.