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Hokkaido semi-Wagyu beef biltong 200 gram

Hokkaido semi-Wagyu beef biltong 200 gram
Hokkaido semi-Wagyu beef biltong 200 gram
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The most tasteful beef biltong you ever tried. Beautiful fatty, tender meat. Dried meat never tasted this good. You know wagyu meat? This is it's dried meat equivalent, but cheaper.


1 Tag

€ 29,95
Preis pro Stück

Hokkaido semi-Wagyu beef biltong 200 gram

Ask any chef, any connaisseur, anyone who truly knows about fine meat and beautiful steaks and they will tell you great meat needs some fat to get the most delicious taste. And the best of the best is the Japanese wagyu beef: beautiful, very tender and fatty meat and eating for the first time will be a life changing experience.
This biltong is made from that kind of quality meat, from the best of the best. And this biltong is probably the most delicious dried meat that you have ever tasted. So you are warned, your latest addiction is just a couple of mouse clicks away.
You're welcome. Because you're worth it.

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