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More bags per box so a new volume discount.
New bags, more bags per box: new volume discount!
Indiana jerky has recently released the new 90 gram bags. The big advantage of these new bags is not only that they are resealable, but they also take up a lot less space than the previous - rather voluminous - 100 gram bags. The new bags are so much more efficient that the contents of the boxes now jump from the standard 5 pieces ex works to 8 bags per display box. So packed much more efficiently. Very happy with it. (Not my back, by the way, because the outer boxes that contain 24 display boxes are now about 40% heavier and I'm breaking my back!)
More bags per display box therefore also means a new volume discount scale. Where previously 6 and 12 pieces (1 and 2 display boxes) were the highest values, 8 and 16 pieces have now been added. And therefore more discount for the customer.